<<run UIBar.stow()>>
<<masteraudio stop>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>[[Enter->INTROVID]]<</timed>>
<<set $secretdoor to 0>>
<<set $secretdoorhint to 0>>
<<set $secretdoor2 to 0>>
<<set $visited1 to 0>>
<<set $visited2 to 0>>
<<set $visited3 to 0>>
<<set $visited4 to 0>>
<<set $visited5 to 0>>
<<set $visited6 to 0>>
<<set $visited7 to 0>>
<<set $visited8 to 0>>
<<set $visited9 to 0>>
<<set $visited10 to 0>>
<<set $visited11 to 0>><<cacheaudio "1TextClick" "audio/museum/1TextClick.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "1TextClickBack" "audio/museum/1TextClickBack.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "3HighwaySoundscape" "audio/museum/3HighwaySoundscape.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "4DoorOpen" "audio/museum/4DoorOpen.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "5BuzzingBirdTest" "audio/museum/5BuzzingBirdTest.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "6ThrushClip" "audio/museum/6ThrushClip.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "7RoomSound" "audio/museum/7RoomSound.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "8Room1" "audio/museum/8Room1.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "8Room2" "audio/museum/8Room2.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "8Room3" "audio/museum/8Room3.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "8Room4" "audio/museum/8Room4.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "9Locked" "audio/museum/9Locked.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "9Unlocked" "audio/museum/9Unlocked.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "9UnlockedCopy" "audio/museum/9UnlockedCopy.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "10RoomEerie" "audio/museum/10RoomEerie.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "11Insectfeetlong" "audio/museum/11Insectfeetlong.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "12AoifeEDMBonus" "audio/museum/12AoifeEDMBonus.mp3">>
<<timed 1s>><video src="video/museum/RebirthIntroNew.mp4" autoplay loop id="myVideo"></video><</timed>>
<div class="content"></div>
<<timed 31s>><<goto "1.1">><</timed>>
*/<<timed 12s t8n>>[[What is this place?->1.2]]<</timed>>
<<audio "3HighwaySoundscape" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "3HighwaySoundscape" fadeoverto 5 1>>
I didn’t think there was anything in this part of town.
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[I didn't think they'd rebuild here.->1.3]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[People have been leaving for years.->1.3]]<</timed>>
<<if $visited1 ==0>>It's hard to make out the features in the @@.blink;dark.@@
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[There's a cone-shaped metal light on the side of the building.->1.41]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[The brick has letters written in faded paint.->1.42]]<</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>[[It seems to stretch up a few stories.->1.43]]<</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>[[I’m done looking.->1.5]]<</timed>>
<<else>>It's hard to make out the features in the @@.blink;dark.@@
<<if visited("1.41")>><s>[[There's a cone-shaped metal light on the side of the building.->1.41]]</s><<else>>[[There's a cone-shaped metal light on the side of the building.->1.41]]<</if>>
<<if visited("1.42")>><s>[[The brick has letters written in faded paint.->1.42]]</s><<else>>[[The brick has letters written in faded paint.->1.42]]<</if>>
<<if visited("1.43")>><s>[[It seems to stretch up a few stories.->1.43]]</s><<else>>[[It seems to stretch up a few stories.->1.43]]<</if>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>[[I’m done looking.->1.5]]<</timed>>
<</if>>It’s making a hazy, mercury-colored pool on the ground.
It @@.shudder;.textflicker;buzzes@@ like those old power lines,
the ones that stopped working decades ago.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->1.3]]</span>
<<set $visited1 to 1>>There’s an M and an S. Maybe an E.
The rest are @@.blur;illegible.@@
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->1.3]]</span>
<<set $visited1 to 1>>There’s an ancient windmill farm on the roof @@.blink;winking@@ down at me.
I can’t see the @@.hiddendemo;stars@@, but no one has seen them for years.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->1.3]]</span>
<<set $visited1 to 1>>Hm. There’s a @@.door;door.@@
<<timed 4s t8n>>[[I got time to spare.->1.6]]<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[Curiosity and cats, they say.->1.6]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[It better be free.->1.6]]<</timed>>
Oh. There’s a sign.
<<timed 4s t8n>>“Welcome to the museum!”<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[Enter the building.->1.7]]<</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Turn around.->1.62]]</span><</timed>>
<<if $visited2 ==0>><<timed 6s t8n>>@@.setting;Entrance@@<</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>[[Look at the main sign.->2.21]]<</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>>[[Look at the writing on the wall.->2.22]]<</timed>>
<<timed 12s t8n>>[[Look at the art on the wall.->2.24]]<</timed>>
<<timed 13s t8n>>[[Continue into the museum.->3.1AUDIO]]<</timed>>
/*<<timed 15s t8n>>[[It might be time to leave.->2.23]]<</timed>>*/
<<if visited("2.21")>><s>[[Look at the main sign.->2.21]]</s><<else>>[[Look at the main sign.->2.21]]<</if>>
<<if visited("2.22")>><s>[[Look at the writing on the wall.->2.22]]</s><<else>>[[Look at the writing on the wall.->2.22]]<</if>>
<<if visited("2.24")>><s>[[Look at the art on the wall.->2.24]]</s><<else>>[[Look at the art on the wall.->2.24]]<</if>>
[[Continue into the museum.->3.1AUDIO]]
<<if $visited3 ==0>><<else>>[[It might be time to leave.->2.23]]<</if>>
Something pulls you in anyway.
<<timed 6s>><<goto "1.7">><</timed>>
*/Our current exhibit:
<<timed 2s t8n>>“Songs (not) About Climate Change”<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span><</timed>>
<<set $visited2 to 1>><<if $visited11 ==0>><<set $visited11 to 1>>The artist’s original notes about the work are as follows:
<<timed 3s t8n>>@@.left;<<type 60ms>>“Songs (not) About Climate Change” is a greatest hits album of my old sonic material, but it’s also a re-contextualization of that same material. It takes old songs and grafts new video, new text, new meanings over top. It grapples with the way our planetary crisis gives things new baggage, how any snapshot we have of our current environment will effectively become a memory piece, bottling something about the natural world we could very well loose."<</type>>@@<</timed>>
<<timed 33s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span><</timed>>
<<timed 34s t8n>><<linkappend "There's a little bit more to read (optional)." t8n>><<scrolldown 2000ms>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<linkappend "None of these songs were written about climate change." t8n>>
This project began as a collection of some of my favorite audio things I’ve made. Much of this music was written years ago, some stretching back a decade plus, pre-pandemic, a whole set of lifetimes removed from our current reality. And of course it deals with nature. Natural sound has always been at the crux of my musicianship, and my work often explores the relationship between my inner musician and the external sound world. Much of the music I create involves field recordings being bent into a musical framework: birds, insects, water, plants, rocks. It’s all got an ear bent towards the earth.
And yet, none of these songs were written about climate change.
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkappend "But meanings evolve; contexts change." t8n>>
“Songs (not) About Climate Change” is a greatest hits album of my old sonic material, but it’s also a re-contextualization of that same material. It takes old songs and grafts new video, new text, new meanings over top. It grapples with the way our planetary crisis gives things new baggage, how any snapshot we have of our current environment will effectively become a memory piece, bottling something about the natural world we could very well loose.
Even if these songs weren’t about climate change, they have to be. Because how can anything that deals with our natural world inherently not be about climate change in the Anthropocene?
<<timed 5s t8n>><<linkappend "I could keep denying it." t8n>>
It’s not like I didn’t know climate change was happening when I was making these songs years ago. I knew. This project is also about confronting that denial. It’s about our willingness to look away in the face of planetary and societal collapse. The willingness to know it is happening but not believe it is happening. Of course this is about the fossil fuel companies and their malicious denial, but this is also about our individual denial of taking individual responsibility and action. I am complicit.
These songs are not about climate change because none of us want them to be about climate change.
But everything needs to be about climate change moving forward. Like the atmosphere, it is an inescapable fact that permeates everything in our lives, even when it feels invisible. Why can’t the daily small talk of “how’s the weather?” be “how’s the climate?”
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkappend "And this is about environmental justice." t8n>>
I am troubled by the way extreme weather events are dismissed as “just the weather” or “acts of God.” It minimizes the fact that these events are premeditated by people, in the sense that a “natural disaster” happens when there is an interaction between a weather system and human structures and systems. Climate preys on crumbling infrastructure, which itself is built upon the structures of historical racism (see: Robert D. Bullard). We can’t offload this on “mother nature.” It’s us.
And let me be clear: the greatest injustice of all is that the smallest contributors to our climate problems will suffer the most: our most endemic species, our most carefully balanced ecosystems, and, by far most importantly, our most vulnerable people: Black, brown, Indigenous, poor, unhoused, disabled.
I am heartbroken.
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkappend "None of these songs are explicitly about that." t8n>>
But I want all of these tracks, many which could perhaps give off an air of new age-y agreeableness, to be domed with a simmering anger. I want them to be a call to fight for the just, optimistic climate future that could be. A call to resist capitalism, a system that impossibly squares the idea of infinite resources against a finite planet. A call to fight for environmental justice, which is also a call to fight for racial justice. A call to acknowledge grief. A call to acknowledge what we have to lose, but to begin saving what we can.
<<timed 8s t8n>><<linkappend "None of these songs were written about climate change." t8n>>
But maybe one of the core themes has always been there. In my music it’s always been me, the lone individual, with the trumpet and recording device in my hands, figuring out how to resolve myself against all of these massive forces around me: the sublime, overwhelming beauty of nature, the cosmic horror of climate change and the corporate/governmental bodies that perpetuate it. As an artist, I am just trying to understand where my thoughts and feelings fit into the most impossibly complex narrative of our time. I want to discover what the narrative of climate change actually is, the one I can tell others, the one I can tell myself.
<<timed 9s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span><</timed>>
<</linkappend>><</timed>><<set $visited2 to 1>>
<<else>>The artist’s original notes about the work are as follows:
@@.left;“Songs (not) About Climate Change” is a greatest hits album of my old sonic material, but it’s also a re-contextualization of that same material. It takes old songs and grafts new video, new text, new meanings over top. It grapples with the way our planetary crisis gives things new baggage, how any snapshot we have of our current environment will effectively become a memory piece, bottling something about the natural world we could very well loose."@@
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span>
<<linkappend "There's a little bit more to read (optional)." t8n>><<scrolldown 2000ms>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<linkappend "None of these songs were written about climate change." t8n>>
This project began as a collection of some of my favorite audio things I’ve made. Much of this music was written years ago, some stretching back a decade plus, pre-pandemic, a whole set of lifetimes removed from our current reality. And of course it deals with nature. Natural sound has always been at the crux of my musicianship, and my work often explores the relationship between my inner musician and the external sound world. Much of the music I create involves field recordings being bent into a musical framework: birds, insects, water, plants, rocks. It’s all got an ear bent towards the earth.
And yet, none of these songs were written about climate change.
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkappend "But meanings evolve; contexts change." t8n>>
“Songs (not) About Climate Change” is a greatest hits album of my old sonic material, but it’s also a re-contextualization of that same material. It takes old songs and grafts new video, new text, new meanings over top. It grapples with the way our planetary crisis gives things new baggage, how any snapshot we have of our current environment will effectively become a memory piece, bottling something about the natural world we could very well loose.
Even if these songs weren’t about climate change, they have to be. Because how can anything that deals with our natural world inherently not be about climate change in the Anthropocene?
<<timed 5s t8n>><<linkappend "I could keep denying it." t8n>>
It’s not like I didn’t know climate change was happening when I was making these songs years ago. I knew. This project is also about confronting that denial. It’s about our willingness to look away in the face of planetary and societal collapse. The willingness to know it is happening but not believe it is happening. Of course this is about the fossil fuel companies and their malicious denial, but this is also about our individual denial of taking individual responsibility and action. I am complicit.
These songs are not about climate change because none of us want them to be about climate change.
But everything needs to be about climate change moving forward. Like the atmosphere, it is an inescapable fact that permeates everything in our lives, even when it feels invisible. Why can’t the daily small talk of “how’s the weather?” be “how’s the climate?”
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkappend "And this is about environmental justice." t8n>>
I am troubled by the way extreme weather events are dismissed as “just the weather” or “acts of God.” It minimizes the fact that these events are premeditated by people, in the sense that a “natural disaster” happens when there is an interaction between a weather system and human structures and systems. Climate preys on crumbling infrastructure, which itself is built upon the structures of historical racism (see: Robert D. Bullard). We can’t offload this on “mother nature.” It’s us.
And let me be clear: the greatest injustice of all is that the smallest contributors to our climate problems will suffer the most: our most endemic species, our most carefully balanced ecosystems, and, by far most importantly, our most vulnerable people: Black, brown, Indigenous, poor, unhoused, disabled.
I am heartbroken.
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkappend "None of these songs are explicitly about that." t8n>>
But I want all of these tracks, many which could perhaps give off an air of new age-y agreeableness, to be domed with a simmering anger. I want them to be a call to fight for the just, optimistic climate future that could be. A call to resist capitalism, a system that impossibly squares the idea of infinite resources against a finite planet. A call to fight for environmental justice, which is also a call to fight for racial justice. A call to acknowledge grief. A call to acknowledge what we have to lose, but to begin saving what we can.
<<timed 8s t8n>><<linkappend "None of these songs were written about climate change." t8n>>
But maybe one of the core themes has always been there. In my music it’s always been me, the lone individual, with the trumpet and recording device in my hands, figuring out how to resolve myself against all of these massive forces around me: the sublime, overwhelming beauty of nature, the cosmic horror of climate change and the corporate/governmental bodies that perpetuate it. As an artist, I am just trying to understand where my thoughts and feelings fit into the most impossibly complex narrative of our time. I want to discover what the narrative of climate change actually is, the one I can tell others, the one I can tell myself.
<<timed 9s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span><</timed>>
<</linkappend>><<set $visited2 to 1>>
<</if>><<if $visited3 ==0>><<timed 6s t8n>>@@.setting;Lobby@@<</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>[[Talk to the person at the front.->3.2]]<</timed>>
<<timed 13s t8n>>[[Continue into the museum.->4.1AUDIO]]<</timed>>
[[Talk to the person at the front.->3.2]]
[[Continue into the museum.->4.1AUDIO]]
<<if $visited5 ==0>><<else>><span class='backbutton'>[[It might be time to leave.->2.1AUDIO]]</span><</if>>
<<set $visited2 to 1>>Are you sure you want to leave?
<span class='backbutton'>[[Not yet.->2.241]]</span>
<<if visited("2.242")>><s>[[Sure I could escape, but I oddly don't want to.->2.242]]</s><<else>>[[Sure I could escape, but I oddly don't want to.->2.242]]<</if>>
<<if visited("2.243")>><s>[[Am I trapped here?->2.243]]</s><<else>>[[Am I trapped here?->2.243]]<</if>>
<<if visited("2.244")>><s>[[I swear the door was right behind me. It’s gone.->2.244]]</s><<else>>[[I swear the door was right behind me. It’s gone.->2.244]]<</if>>
[[No really, I’m leaving.->2.245]]um.......
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span>In this climate hell? Yes. In this museum? No.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span>Don’t be paranoid. It’s not that kind of game.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span>Are you really sure you want to leave?
(This will end the game)
<span class='backbutton'>[[No.->2.241]]</span>
Ok. Let’s keep exploring.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span>
You are the last to leave, and everything leaves with you.
<<timed 12s>><<goto "ENDCREDITSVID">><</timed>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 5 0>>"Songs (not) About Climate Change" also exists as a Bandcamp album and as a visual album on YouTube.
If you are a musician or artist of any kind who cares about climate change, reach out. Say hi. Let's collaborate.
<span class='backbutton'>[[See credits again.->ENDCREDITSVID]]</span>
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back to the beginning.->Start]]</span><<if $visited4 ==0>>"Hey there! Welcome to our museum. Feel free to take a look around."
<<timed 3s t8n>>[[Where am I?->3.21]]<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>[[What can you tell me about this exhibit?->3.22]]<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[What’s the deal with these sounds?->3.23]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[Is this free?->3.24]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Thanks for talking. (Back)->3.26]]</span><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<if $secretdoorhint ==1>>What’s the deal with that...other @@.door;[[door?->3.25]]@@<<else>> <</if>><</timed>>
<<else>>"Hey there! Welcome to our museum. Feel free to take a look around."
<<if visited("3.21")>><s>[[Where am I?->3.21]]</s><<else>>[[Where am I?->3.21]]<</if>>
<<if visited("3.22")>><s>[[What can you tell me about this exhibit?->3.22]]</s><<else>>[[What can you tell me about this exhibit?->3.22]]<</if>>
<<if visited("3.23")>><s>[[What’s the deal with these sounds?->3.23]]</s><<else>>[[What’s the deal with these sounds?->3.23]]<</if>>
<<if visited("3.24")>><s>[[Is this free?->3.24]]</s><<else>>[[Is this free?->3.24]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[Thanks for talking. (Back)->3.26]]</span>
<<if $secretdoorhint ==1>>What’s the deal with that...other @@.door;[[door?->3.25]]@@<<else>> <</if>>
<<set $visited3 to 1>><<if $visited6 ==0>><<timed 6s t8n>>@@.setting;Exhibit Hall@@<</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>Where would you like to visit?<</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>>[[I don’t have much time. Maybe some short pieces. (Exhibit Hall A)->4.2]]<</timed>>
<<timed 15s t8n>>[[I like things with a beat. (Exhibit Hall B)->4.3]]<</timed>>
<<timed 16s t8n>>[[I want to sink in a bit. Maybe some pieces I can get lost in. (Exhibit Hall C)->4.4]]<</timed>>
/*<<timed 19s t8n>>[[I notice there’s another door over there.->4.5U]]<</timed>>*/
<<else>>@@.setting;Exhibit Hall@@
Where do you want to go?
<<if visited("4.2")>><s>[[I don’t have much time. Maybe some short pieces. (Exhibit Hall A)->4.2]]</s><<else>>[[I don’t have much time. Maybe some short pieces. (Exhibit Hall A)->4.2]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.3")>><s>[[I like things with a beat. (Exhibit Hall B)->4.3]]</s><<else>>[[I like things with a beat. (Exhibit Hall B)->4.3]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.4")>><s>[[I want to sink in a bit. Maybe some pieces I can get lost in. (Exhibit Hall C)->4.4]]</s><<else>>[[I want to sink in a bit. Maybe some pieces I can get lost in. (Exhibit Hall C)->4.4]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[Let's head back to that person. (Back)->3.1AUDIO]]</span>
<<timed 3s t8n>>I notice there’s another @@.door;[[door->4.5U]]@@ over there.<</timed>>
<<set $visited3 to 1>>
<<set $visited5 to 1>><<if $visited9 ==0>>"It's a museum, like I said."
<<timed 2s t8n>><<if visited("3.211")>><s>[[But no, what is this place?->3.211]]</s><<else>>[[But no, what is this place?->3.211]]<</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<if visited("3.212")>><s>[[Seriously, where am I?->3.212]]</s><<else>>[[Seriously, where am I?->3.212]]<</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Let me ask another question. (Back)->3.2]]</span><</timed>>
<<else>>"It's a museum, like I said."
<<if visited("3.211")>><s>[[But no, what is this place?->3.211]]</s><<else>>[[But no, what is this place?->3.211]]<</if>>
<<if visited("3.212")>><s>[[Seriously, where am I?->3.212]]</s><<else>>[[Seriously, where am I?->3.212]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[Let me ask another question. (Back)->3.2]]</span>
<<set $visited4 to 1>><<if $visited10 ==0>>"You can go back and read that stuff up there on the wall in the entrance. It’s mostly audio/visual stuff."
<<timed 2s t8n>><<if visited("3.221")>><s>[[What do you mean?->3.221]]</s><<else>>[[What do you mean?->3.221]]<</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<if visited("3.222")>><s>[[Who curated the exhibit?->3.222]]</s><<else>>[[Who curated the exhibit?->3.222]]<</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<if visited("3.223")>><s>[[How old is it?->3.223]] </s><<else>>[[How old is it?->3.223]]<</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<if visited("3.224")>><s>[[Is there a bio on the artist?->3.224]]</s><<else>>[[Is there a bio on the artist?->3.224]]<</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[I’ll take a look. Thanks for the help. (Back)->3.2]]</span><</timed>>
<<else>>"You can go back and read that stuff up there on the wall in the entrance. It’s mostly audio/visual stuff."
<<if visited("3.221")>><s>[[What do you mean?->3.221]]</s><<else>>[[What do you mean?->3.221]]<</if>>
<<if visited("3.222")>><s>[[Who curated the exhibit?->3.222]]</s><<else>>[[Who curated the exhibit?->3.222]]<</if>>
<<if visited("3.223")>><s>[[How old is it?->3.223]] </s><<else>>[[How old is it?->3.223]]<</if>>
<<if visited("3.224")>><s>[[Is there a bio on the artist?->3.224]]</s><<else>>[[Is there a bio on the artist?->3.224]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[I’ll take a look. Thanks for the help. (Back)->3.2]]</span>
<<set $visited4 to 1>>"It’s the artist’s interpretation of their favorite bird. The...thrush? It’s not around anymore so I don’t really know."
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[No one had recordings of the bird?->3.231]]<</timed>>
<<set $visited4 to 1>>"Yeah.
<<timed 3s t8n>>Just don’t break anything."<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.2]]</span><</timed>>
<<set $visited4 to 1>>"Secret Exhibit Hallway D? Oh no, yeah. I’ll give you the key."
<<timed 3s t8n>>[[Doesn’t look like a key fits...->3.251]]<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>[[All I saw were a bunch of symbols...->3.251]]<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[I might need more help than that...->3.251]]<</timed>>
<<set $visited4 to 1>>"No problem. Come back if anything haunts you."
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->3.1]]</span>
<<set $visited4 to 1>>"That’s right. No key anymore. The weird lock appeared last week and no one really knows how. Anyways, take a look around the corners of the Exhibit Halls. Crouch down low @@.door;beneath the exhibits themselves.@@ You might find some clues littered around."
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[That’s...helpful.->3.252]]<</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>[[Guess I’ll figure this one out on my own.->3.252]]<</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>>[[Clues?->3.252]]<</timed>>
"I can’t tell you anymore. It’s above my universal basic income."
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.2]]</span><</timed>>"The building used to be one of those cloud seeding plants, but those all got decommissioned of course. We revamped it into this museum space."
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[You definitely did a good job scrubbing the eerie history off the walls.->3.2111]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[I never liked those air stacks racing up into the sky. Like Icarus.->3.2111]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[We really thought geoengineering was a good idea.->3.2111]]<</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>[[That’s the last time we trusted billionaires with anything.->3.2111]]<</timed>>
<<set $visited9 to 1>>"I can’t answer your cosmic questions. I just work here."
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.21]]</span><</timed>>
<<set $visited9 to 1>>"We feel the same."
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.21]]</span><</timed>>"Think of it like an album of music, back when that was a thing, except you can walk through it and there are things to look at while you listen."
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Seems simple enough. (Back)->3.22]]</span><</timed>>
<<set $visited10 to 1>>"It’s wild how we found it. One of our curators got a call about a box of recordings in a basement. The house was in one of those neighborhoods that got wiped by the big flood a couple decades back."
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[Nothing was the same after that.->3.2221]]<</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>[[We should have gotten our damn infrastructure fixed.->3.2221]]<</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>>[[Everyone left. Or rather, they just didn’t come back.->3.2221]]<</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>[[White flight was the real thing that drowned the city.->3.2221]]<</timed>>
<<set $visited10 to 1>>"Everything in this exhibit is quite old. Our best guess is that it’s from the year 2025, but it could be older. Way before everyone retreated from the coasts and headed north."
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[Those that could afford to move, that is.->3.2231]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[It wasn’t a retreat. It was forced removal.->3.2231]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[We had decades to prepare, but we chose chaos.->3.2231]]<</timed>>
<<set $visited10 to 1>>"The bio is as follows:
<<timed 3s t8n>>He’s a Midwestern white boi.<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>There are better ways to spend your time."<</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.22]]</span><</timed>>
<<set $visited10 to 1>>"I mean the fires out west ate up all those computer servers, so you know what it’s like finding things like that anymore."
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[We’ve all lost so much, but we’re trying to save what we can.->3.232]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[Yeah. Like finding this place. You should get a bigger sign out front.->3.232]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[I’m not much of a bird person. It’s all sparrows to me. Even before all we had left were sparrows.->3.232]] <</timed>>
"I know what you mean. Hermit thrush! Sorry, I knew the name’d come to me."
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[The sounds are...soothing?->3.233]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[The sounds are eerie.->3.233]] <</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[The sounds are nonsense.->3.233]]<</timed>>
"You get used to it."
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.2]]</span><</timed>>"Right. Anyways, they found an old machine to hook up the harddrives and they miraculously worked. We decided to take the things we found and turn it into this exhibition."
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[Interesting.->3.22212]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[That’s wild.->3.22212]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[Lucky break.->3.22212]]<</timed>>
"No, you're right."
<<timed 2s t8n>>[[....->3.2232]]<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>[[....->3.2232]]<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>[[....->3.2232]]<</timed>>"But this exhibit is such a weird memory piece. Sounds and landscapes no one has seen or heard in ages."
<<timed 5s t8n>>[[Are the forests actually full? Haven’t seen one since I was a kid.->3.2233]]<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[Back when summer heat wasn’t scary?->3.2233]]<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>[[Is it the old sky?->3.2233]]<</timed>>
"Just go see for yourself."
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.22]]</span><</timed>>@@.setting;Exhibit Hall A@@
<<if visited("4.21")>><s>[[The Overstory->4.21]]</s><<else>>[[The Overstory->4.21]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.22")>><s>[[Forest Ending (emerge)->4.22]]</s><<else>>[[Forest Ending (emerge)->4.22]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.23")>><s>[[The Cosmic and The Coyotes->4.23]]</s><<else>>[[The Cosmic and The Coyotes->4.23]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.24")>><s>[[Exploding->4.24]]</s><<else>>[[Exploding->4.24]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[Let's see something else. (Back)->4.1AUDIO]]</span>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "8Room2" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "8Room2" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<set $visited6 to 1>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div>@@.setting;Exhibit Hall B@@
<<if visited("4.31")>><s>[[Lava Rock Beats->4.31]]</s><<else>>[[Lava Rock Beats->4.31]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.32")>><s>[[IRT/Jigsaws->4.32]]</s><<else>>[[IRT/Jigsaws->4.32]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.33")>><s>[[Look->4.33]]</s><<else>>[[Look->4.33]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[Let's see something else. (Back)->4.1AUDIO]]</span>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "8Room3" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "8Room3" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<set $visited6 to 1>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div>@@.setting;Exhibit Hall C@@
<<if visited("4.41")>><s>[[The Aftermath->4.41]]</s><<else>>[[The Aftermath->4.41]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.42")>><s>[[(emptyvessel)->4.42]]</s><<else>>[[(emptyvessel)->4.42]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.43")>><s>[[Sunset is an All Day Process->4.43]]</s><<else>>[[Sunset is an All Day Process->4.43]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[Let's see something else. (Back)->4.1AUDIO]]</span>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "8Room4" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "8Room4" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<set $visited6 to 1>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div>It’s locked. There is a keypad to get in, but I don’t understand any of these symbols.
<<timed 2s t8n>>[[Try a combination.->4.51]]<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Go back.->4.1AUDIO]]</span><</timed>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "10RoomEerie" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "10RoomEerie" fadeoverto 2 1>>
<<set $secretdoorhint to 1>><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<video src="video/museum/1TheOverstory.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
The Overstory
Just as the overstory sits as the highest canopy of vegetation overseeing the entire forest, this song is the most concise and concrete view of me and my musical process. It illustrates the dialogue between my inner musician (my trumpet) and the external natural sound world (bird calls). It also highlights my collision of man-made and natural worlds, the rigid clock of a Dilla beat trying to rationalize and order nature’s organic flow of time. It’s the individual vs. the greater fabric of the world’s ecosystem: where I harmonize, where I clash, where my small choices can lead to profound and planet-altering choices.
Sonic Materials: Birds, horns, electric keyboard, synths, crickets, J Dilla beat
Visual Footage: Devil’s Monument (Bruce Peninsula, ON)
Credits: Michael Malis, electric keyboard (it’s a tragedy that this doesn’t fully showcase your ferocious talents, but I so appreciated this collaboration and your keyboard part locks everything together)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.2]]</span>
<<timed 91s>><<goto "4.2">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<video src="video/museum/5ForestEnding(emerge).mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Forest Ending (emerge)
Maybe I think a little too hard about Jeff Vandermeer’s “Annihilation,” but forests to me are claustrophobic, feverish, even a little psychedelic. It’s often hard to tell where one lifeform ends and another begins in the forest, and in walking through it you feel this pull to become subsumed by it. It becomes easy to lose your direction, to get turned around, to have your perspective fragmented and chopped up and remixed into these tiny non-linear bits. And then you find a clearing. Your perspective lifts, the landscape is all visible, and you soak in everything. This track is about finding that moment of clarity. I long for those moments on a walk in the woods, and I often wonder how long I have a forest left to experience it in.
Sonic Materials: Guitar, pedals, chickadees, sticks hitting logs, rivers, a thunderstorm bass drum
Visual Footage: Great Smoky Mountain National Park (TN), Tandem Cider (Traverse City, MI)
Credits: Eric LaNoue, guitar (it’s always so on point) and Terry Carroll-Jarema, guitar (with the badass pedals), Great Smoky Mountains AiR program
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.2]]</span>
<<timed 84s>><<goto "4.2">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 1s>><video src="video/museum/7TheCosmicandtheCoyotes.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
The Cosmic and the Coyotes
This piece, as well as a few of the other short pieces on this album, are a part of “l a n d s c a p e s.” It’s a project where rapid fire collaborations with other musicians led to these massive natural spaces get squeezed into a series of one minute boxes. What results is this play between the internal and external, human and natural, my (and my collaborators’) musicianship resolving with the topography of the natural world. Here we have a one-minute depiction of a dune where a sly sense of humor plays against a sense of the sublime. You ponder your place in the universe, and the coyotes are there to laugh at you for it. And maybe they should: the climate crisis feels so absurdly massive it might as well be its own galaxy.
Sonic Materials: Guitar, cosmic production, chattering trumpet coyotes
Visual Footage: Still from the Palo Duro Canyon (TX), still of astrophotography in Zion National Park (UT), background effects
Credits: Michael Beckhart, guitar (thanks for being so willing to collaborate), Danielle Peck, image of stars (how the heck did you figure out astrophotography in one night)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.2]]</span>
<<timed 75s>><<goto "4.2">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<video src="video/museum/8Exploding(JimJamescover).mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
This is a cover song, probably my first made entirely from multi-tracked trumpet parts. It will forever annoy me that despite having worked an entire summer on an obtuse, one-hour ambient album, this cover song was recorded in a matter of days and was the best thing I recorded all summer. I’m not sure what Jim James originally intended with the title, but its odd juxtaposition with the serene nature of the music mirrors my general relationship with the environment in an era of climate change. I am overwhelmed by the everyday beauty around me, and yet somewhere beneath it all I know it is all quietly exploding.
Sonic Materials: Trumpet choir
Visual Footage: Years of taking sunrise stills over Lake St. Clair (MI), a sunset at La Jolla (CA), a sunset at Sauble Beach (ON)
Credits: It’s a Jim James song
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.2]]</span>
<<timed 124s>><<goto "4.2">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<video src="video/museum/2LavaRockBeats.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Lava Rock Beats
This piece was created entirely from natural sound recorded on the Big Island of Hawai’i. It was also a piece created in a panic. Despite being a year removed from completing an artist residency at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park (yes, the national parks do that!), I hadn’t made a complete piece of music I could reasonably show people. So I made this, enveloped in the process of making it but never asking why I was making it. Now what does it mean that I created an EDM track out of the sounds of a fragile ecosystem? On the surface this sonic portrait reads as an ecological celebration, or perhaps a preservation piece. But what does it mean that the ʻōmaʻo, an endemic Hawai’ian bird, is rubbing sonic shoulders with the sounds of a shaker plant, an invasive species with no birthright to this land? In what ways am I that shaker plant, a small piece in a larger system of colonialism that exploits the power of the native Hawai’ians (Kānaka ʻŌiwi) and withers an island’s precious ecosystem? What good is art about nature if it doesn’t also punch at environmental justice? I don’t think these questions exist in the final product, even though I wanted them to, and perhaps this was the reservation that held up my desire to create a residency product.
Sonic Materials: Lava rocks being struck together, birds (I believe it is an ʻōmaʻo), waves crashing at the Hōlei Sea Arch (makes a great bass drum hit), recordings underneath the ocean using a hydrophone, crickets in a grassy field, this little invasive shaker plant with gourds that my leg ran into on a trail
Visual Footage: Big Island of Hawai’i, various locations
Credits: National Park Arts Foundation, the Kānaka ʻŌiwi and their rights to the sacred ʻāina I had the privilege to step foot on
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.3]]</span>
<<timed 162s>><<goto "4.3">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 2s>><video src="video/museum/3IRTJigsaws(Radioheadcover).mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Every sound you hear in this track was made with my trumpet<nowiki>*</nowiki>. The melodies, basslines, percussion, weird sounds: all of it trumpet. It was a project where I put myself in a creative box to generate a new language out of an instrument I had been playing for 20+ years. This is also a Radiohead cover, and the album In Rainbows for me embodies the idea of transience; the idea that everything starts in one place but always ends up somewhere different. It seemed like an odd pairing to splice my homegrown thunderstorm timelapses with this audio, but I see the air whipping through my trumpet as a mirror to the swirling air in the atmosphere: moving, tumbling, evolving, creating chaos, turbulence, change. And as we all step off the cliff into the climate unknown, the only constant will be this change.
Sonic Materials: Trumpet (slapping the metal bell and slamming valves for percussion sounds, digital pitch shifting to get a trombone-like bass line, studio plug-ins to get a “fuzz trumpet” effect, ghostly Max/MSP patches to further transform the sound)
Visual Footage: Janky timelapses (a years-long experiment where I’d see the forecast, run outside, throw my iPhone on a patio table pointed up, and take a timelapse until the rain came in)
Credits: It’s a Radiohead song
<nowiki>*</nowiki>well except for that very last sound, which Radiohead fans will know
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.3]]</span>
<<timed 247s>><<goto "4.3">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<video src="video/museum/10Look.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
If “The Overstory” is the inviting gateway to the album, this is the bookend. The finale. One large, sweeping, chaotic look at the earth as we descend further into the Anthropocene and alter our planet’s landscape at impossible speed. And in keeping with the album’s themes of re-contextualization and change, this song has tumbled through many iterations: it began life as a solo improvisation piece about the desert, morphed into a choreography piece for a dancer, and now has become an album (and planet) closer with visuals attached. Morph. Adapt. Evolve. Confront the climate reality ahead of us, but then move. Migrate. Change. Imagine a better climate future. We have to.
Sonic Materials: Digital percussion and marching percussion, sultry horns, murder-mystery-podcast piano
Visual Footage: All the video up until this point
Credits: Dominique Dennison (thanks for the creative prompt that spurred this piece)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.3]]</span>
<<timed 204s>><<goto "4.3">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<video src="video/museum/4TheAftermath.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
The Aftermath
I recorded natural sounds from the Andrews Bald trail, a specific location in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and edited them into a musical sound piece. I handed this off to my artistic collaborator Alyssa Coffin, who hiked out to Andrews Bald and placed a white canvas in the grass. She put ink on her feet and moved across the canvas, creating an ink drawing all choreographed to my sound piece in her ears. The piece is a multi-layered representation of this single space in the Smokies, but it is also a rumination on the ways we are all “unconscious choreographers” leaving our mark on the earth (Alyssa’s insightful words, not mine). It is a meditation on the way nature records both our presence and absence. Re-contextualizing this work and expanding it out to a planetary level, climate change is precipitating the greatest migration event in human history. What will the footprints of entire climate displaced communities look like? How will our nomadic movements reshape our relationship with the earth? Who will be the privileged and make it to the end of the trail, who will slip off the trail and be left behind?
Sonic Materials: Flies, crickets, water, birds, hikers on the trail, breath
Visual Footage: Alyssa’s canvas, an ink drawing made by the movements of her feet choreographed to my music
Credits: Alyssa Coffin (for coming up with this entire project, which was brilliant, and being the best collaborator ever)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.4]]</span>
<<timed 207s>><<goto "4.4">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 2s>><video src="video/museum/6(emptyvessel).mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
This is an ambient interlude that, although initially spurred by an improvisation about the desert (alright, an Apple TV screensaver of a desert), seems to now elude all sense of purpose or internal meaning I slap over it. In the absence of meaning, the piece takes on whatever meaning you bring to it. The empty vessel. But don’t confuse this for a nihilistic space. Nihilism is a response to climate change I categorically deny. Nihilism is a cop out, a way to absolve yourself from individual responsibility, from change, from doing something, anything. Choosing to save the things we love is not an all-or-nothing venture, and what we choose to save matters in a world where everything can’t be saved.
Sonic Materials: A nearly single take of guitar improv, plus feedback out of my living room speakers and pitchshifting with Max/MSP, crickets
Visual Footage: playing with dust, light, and a water bowl around my house, plus far off islands in Bruce Peninsula National Park (ON)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.4]]</span>
<<timed 345s>><<goto "4.4">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 2s>><video src="video/museum/9SunsetisanAllDayProcess.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Sunset is an All Day Process
One of my favorite sounds on the planet is holding down the pedal on a piano so that all the strings can resonate inside. You make a sound into it, and what gets captured is this ghostly carbon copy, the full range of strings able to theoretically grab the entire timbre of your sound but somehow reshaping the sonic details. This piece was created from me singing and also playing trumpet into the open lid of the piano, recording a single note at a time, and then haphazardly arranging and layering all of these notes in faux “Music for Airports” style tape loops in Audacity (this is the earliest work on the album, created before I spent money on a DAW with a grid). It’s a piece to get completely lost in, to momentarily pluck yourself out of the stream of life, to untether, to rejuvenate. But if I’m honest, I can’t shake the nagging feeling of guilt when I tune out like this. Shouldn’t I be doing something about the climate crisis? What am I doing?
Sonic Materials: Resonating piano strings, trumpet, voice
Visual Footage: Various sunsets on the Big Island of Hawai’i
Credits: The graffiti outside my college dorm for the title (that’s how you know this is from a period of complete innocence)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.4]]</span>
<<timed 312s>><<goto "4.4">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div>@@.symbol;[[⁖->4.512]] [[⁜->4.512]] [[⁝->4.512]] [[⁘->4.512]] [[⁞->4.51C]] [[⁙->4.512]]@@
<<timed 3s t8n>>Right this way.<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[Enter.->4.54AUDIO]]<</timed>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "9Unlocked" volume 0 play>>
<<audio "9Unlocked" fadeoverto 0 1>>That code is wrong.
You’d better go back and ask someone in the museum for help.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->4.1AUDIO]]</span>
<<set $secretdoor to 0>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 500ms>><<audio "9Locked" volume 1 play>>
<<audio "9Locked" fadeoverto 0 1>><</timed>><<if $visited7 ==0>><<timed 5s t8n>>Congratulations.<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[Insert lame kazoo sound here].<</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>Welcome to Secret Exhibit Hallway D.<</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>[[Look at the writing on the wall.->4.55]]<</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>>[[Look at the placard on the other wall.->4.56]]<</timed>>
<<timed 12s t8n>>[[Go to the exhibits.->4.57]]<</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[It might be time to leave. (Back)->4.1AUDIO]]</span><</timed>>
[Insert lame kazoo sound here].
Welcome to Secret Exhibit Hallway D.
[[Look at the writing on the wall.->4.55]]
[[Look at the placard on the other wall.->4.56]]
[[Go to the exhibits.->4.57]]
<span class='backbutton'>[[It might be time to leave. (Back)->4.1AUDIO]]</span>
<</if>>This is bonus content from the artist that didn’t really fit the rest of the exhibition. It is lighter in character and almost always involves a creature of some kind.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.54]]</span>
<<set $visited7 to 1>>The sounds you are currently hearing are insect feet.
(At least they can still survive in this world, right?)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.54]]</span>
<<set $visited7 to 1>>@@.setting;Secret Exhibit Hallway D@@
<<if visited("4.571")>><s>[[Have You Seen a Bug Today?->4.571]]</s><<else>>[[Have You Seen a Bug Today?->4.571]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.572")>><s>[[Aoife EDM 1 (MC Bone)->4.572]]</s><<else>>[[Aoife EDM 1 (MC Bone)->4.572]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.573")>><s>[[Aoife EDM 2 (The Bells of Ryazan)->4.573]]</s><<else>>[[Aoife EDM 2 (The Bells of Ryazan)->4.573]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.574")>><s>[[Joy Codex->4.574]]</s><<else>>[[Joy Codex->4.574]]<</if>>
<<if visited("4.575")>><s>[[Digital Ghost->4.575]]</s><<else>>[[Digital Ghost->4.575]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[It might be time to leave. (Back)->4.54]]</span>
<<timed 3s t8n>>Wait. There's another @@.door;[[door.->5.1U]]@@<</timed>>
<<set $visited7 to 1>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 3s>><video src="video/museum/11HaveYouSeenaBugToday.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Have You Seen A Bug Today?
Insects have built civilizations and superhighways around us. They are flowing and churning in their own little world just at the edge of our consciousness. When was the last time you tapped into it? When was the last time you let an insect intrude on your four-walled reality? Have you seen a bug today?
Materials: Eight (get it?) kitchen Items (metal washers, wooden spoon, tofu press, pour over coffee pot, metal mixing bowls, plant pots, clothes washer drum, air filter grate)
Footage: Self-shot footage of the intruder in my home
Credits: Kit Lascher (thanks for the creative prompt that spurred this piece)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.57AUDIO]]</span>
<<timed 49s>><<goto "4.57AUDIO">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 3s>><video src="video/museum/12AoifeEDM1(MCBone).mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Aoife EDM 1 (MC Bone)
What does this track have to do with the rest of the album? I haven’t figured it out. Maybe it’s a point of levity. Maybe it’s unrelated. Maybe since the rest of the album deals with massive natural forces, zooming into something that is the absolute closest to me felt right. (Literally- sleeping next to me on my couch as I type this.) Maybe paying closer attention to the domesticated sounds around you is a portal to paying closer attention to the wild sounds around you. Or maybe that’s a reach. Maybe this is absurd, but climate change is also absurd. In any case, as an artist, some days I feel like I’m still trying to top this one. All of the sounds you hear were made by my dog Aoife.
Sonic Materials: Electronic Dog Music (fur, metal food bowls, nails clacking, growling, shaking, snorting, toy bone tooth clicking, aggressive cuteness)
Visual Materials: The dog.
Credits: Aoife is a scrappy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She likes food.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.57AUDIO]]</span>
<<timed 183s>><<goto "4.57AUDIO">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 3s>><video src="video/museum/13AoifeEDM2(TheBellsofRyazan).mp4" autoplay id="myVideo"></video><</timed>>
<div class="content">
Aoife EDM 2 (The Bells of Ryazan)
What does this track have to do with the rest of the album? I haven’t figured it out. Maybe it’s a point of levity. Maybe it’s unrelated. Maybe since the rest of the album deals with massive natural forces, zooming into something that is the absolute closest to me felt right. (Literally- sleeping next to me on my couch as I type this.) Maybe paying closer attention to the domesticated sounds around you is a portal to paying closer attention to the wild sounds around you. Or maybe that’s a reach. Maybe this is absurd, but climate change is also absurd. In any case, as an artist, some days I feel like I’m still trying to top this one. All of the sounds you hear were made by my dog Aoife.
Sonic Materials: Electronic Dog Music (fur, metal food bowls, nails clacking, growling, shaking, snorting, toy bone tooth clicking, aggressive cuteness)
Visual Materials: The dog.
Credits: Aoife is a scrappy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She likes food.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.57AUDIO]]</span>
<<timed 93s>><<goto "4.57AUDIO">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 1s>><video src="video/museum/14JoyCodex.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Joy Codex
In the liner notes to his album “A New Found Relaxation,” James Krivchenia notes: “I wanted to make something that contained the seeds and quality of “relaxation” but was fast paced and hard to fully sink into...like these little glimpses of peace piled on top of each other...like the world as I experience it much of the time.” I think this is an unintentional description of parenting, both from the kid’s perspective as well as the parent’s. In a similar vein, my piece takes tiny bits of all these songs that I sang to my kid as lullabies and mashes them into these fleeting moments. The photos were all taken by my kid, who as a two year old would steal my iPhone and take some rather liminal and gnarly photographs around the house. The effect of this paired audio/video ends up being fractured and crushed up, the opposite of a flow state, yet these moments somehow still remain joyful.
Sonic Materials: Stevie Wonder, “You Are the Sunshine of my Life”, The Beatles, “Good Night”, Jacob Collier, “Hideaway”, Lost Lander, “Wonderful World”, Fleet Foxes, “Blue Spotted Tail”, Kacey Musgraves, “Rainbow”, BTS, “Butter”, Cory Wong/Jon Batiste, “Home”, Johnny Cash, “Happiness is You”
Visual Footage: Self-shot footage from my kid
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.57AUDIO]]</span>
<<timed 178s>><<goto "4.57AUDIO">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 3s>><video src="video/museum/15DigitalGhost.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo">
<div class="content">
Digital Ghost
A digital ghost exists in the rift between online absence and offline existence. This could take the form of a person zonking out from social media: What happens when a person stops posting online? Are they ok? (In real life?) What becomes of their online presence, those millions of virtual copies of themselves still lingering in the digital ether? When will they post again? (Why do I crave to know when they will post again?) But this could also take the form of something larger and much more sinister: How does our virtual, ghostly world have very tangible, corporeal effects on our physical world? Generative AI data centers are poised to suck the planet’s resources dry and accelerate us towards climate hell, but it doesn’t feel that way using AI because it’s all virtual. It feels light as air. But no doubt the consequences will surely haunt us.
Sonic Materials: Cute dog and baby squeaks, dad’s garage (machines, tools and parts, welder, air compressor), Dilla, wobbly retro 8-bit sounds
Visual Materials: Jitter and Max/MSP
Credits: Kit Lascher (overall concept and prompting, thanks for your great ideas)
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.57AUDIO]]</span>
<<timed 109s>><<goto "4.57AUDIO">><</timed>>
<div class="symboldiv">
</div><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "3HighwaySoundscape" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "3HighwaySoundscape" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<click "TEST">><<audio "1TextClick" volume 1 play>><<goto "TEST3">><</click>>
<<click "CLICK">><<audio "1TextClick" volume 1 play>><</click>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 1s>><<audio "4DoorOpen" volume 1 play>><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><<goto "2.1AUDIO">><</timed>>
*//*<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>*/
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "8Room1" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "8Room1" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<click "TEST">><<audio "1TextClickBack" volume 1 play>><<goto "TEST">><</click>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[STARTNOSOUND->TEST]]</span>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 1s t8n>><<audio "5BuzzingBirdTest" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "5BuzzingBirdTest" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<goto "2.1">><</timed>>
*/<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "6ThrushClip" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "6ThrushClip" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<goto "3.1">>
*/<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "8Room1" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "8Room1" fadeoverto 5 1>>
<<goto "4.1">>
*/<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "11Insectfeetlong" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "11Insectfeetlong" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<goto "4.54">>
*/It’s locked.
Another keypad, more symbols.
[[Try a combination.->5.2]]
<span class='backbutton'>[[Go back.->4.57AUDIO]]</span>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "10RoomEerie" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "10RoomEerie" fadeoverto 1 1>>@@.symbol;⁖ ⁜ ⁝ ⁘ ⁞ ⁙
≗ ≖ ≕ ≒ ≎ ≑
[[Ͼ->4.514]] [[Ѻ->4.513C]] [[ϕ->4.514]] [[Ȯ->4.514]] [[Ọ->4.514]] [[ʘ->4.514]]@@
@@.symbol;⁖ ⁜ ⁝ ⁘ ⁞ ⁙
[[≗->4.513]] [[≖->4.513]] [[≕->4.513]] [[≒->4.512C]] [[≎->4.513]] [[≑->4.513]]@@<<set $secretdoor to $secretdoor + 1>>
<<goto "4.512">>
*/<<set $secretdoor to $secretdoor + 1>>
<<goto "4.513">>
*/<<set $secretdoor to $secretdoor + 1>>
<<goto "4.514">>
*/<<if $secretdoor ==3>>
<<goto "4.52">>
<<goto "4.53">>
*/<<if $secretdoor ==3>>
<<goto "4.54">>
<<goto "4.5">>
*/<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "11Insectfeetlong" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "11Insectfeetlong" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<goto "4.57">>
*/@@.symbol;[[∫->5.3]] [[∮->5.2C]] [[∬->5.3]] [[∯->5.3]] [[∭->5.3]] [[∰->5.3]]@@<<if $secretdoor2 ==3>>
<<goto "5.7AUDIO">>
<<goto "5.1">>
*/<<if $secretdoor2 ==3>>
<<goto "5.6">>
<<goto "5.61">>
*/<<set $secretdoor2 to $secretdoor2 + 1>>
<<goto "5.3">>
*/@@.symbol;∫ ∮ ∬ ∯ ∭ ∰
[[𐐀->5.4]] [[𐐌->5.3C]] [[𐐓->5.4]] [[𐐜->5.4]] [[𐐝->5.4]] [[𐐐->5.4]]@@@@.symbol;∫ ∮ ∬ ∯ ∭ ∰
[[Ѩ->5.4C]] [[🝢->5.5]] [[⎏->5.5]] [[⍒->5.5]] [[🞚->5.5]] [[Ѫ->5.5]]@@
<<set $secretdoor2 to $secretdoor2 + 1>>
<<goto "5.4">>
*/<<set $secretdoor2 to $secretdoor2 + 1>>
<<goto "5.5">>
*/<<timed 3s t8n>>Right this way.<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>[[Enter.->6.1AUDIO]]<</timed>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "9UnlockedCopy" volume 0 play>>
<<audio "9UnlockedCopy" fadeoverto 0 1>>
That code is wrong.
This one's gonna take some more sleuthing.
Crouch down in the original Exhibit Halls (A, B, C).
There is @@.hiddendemo;hid@@de@@.hiddendemo;n te@@xt abound.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->4.57AUDIO]]</span>
<<set $secretdoor2 to 0>>
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<timed 500ms>><<audio "9Locked" volume 1 play>>
<<audio "9Locked" fadeoverto 0 1>><</timed>><<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<audio "12AoifeEDMBonus" volume 0 loop play>>
<<audio "12AoifeEDMBonus" fadeoverto 1 1>>
<<goto "6.1">>
*/<<if $visited8 ==0>><<timed 5s t8n>>You made it.<</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>Welcome to the backrooms.<</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>>Errr I mean Secret Exhibit Hallway E.<</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>>The last secret room.<</timed>>
<<timed 17s t8n>>(I promise)<</timed>>
<<timed 20s t8n>>[[Look at the writing on the wall.->6.2]]<</timed>>
<<timed 21s t8n>>[[Look at the placard on the other wall.->6.3]]<</timed>>
<<timed 22s t8n>>[[Go to the exhibits.->6.4]]<</timed>>
<<timed 24s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[It might be time to leave. (Back)->4.54AUDIO]]</span><</timed>>
<<else>>You made it.
Welcome to the backrooms.
Errr I mean Secret Exhibit Hallway E.
[[Look at the writing on the wall.->6.2]]
[[Look at the placard on the other wall.->6.3]]
[[Go to the exhibits.->6.4]]
<span class='backbutton'>[[It might be time to leave. (Back)->4.54AUDIO]]</span>
<</if>>This museum has an ongoing relationship with other museums across the country.
This exibit was kindly provided to us by the Museum of Solastalgia.
Notes from the artist:
"These pictures are absurd; climate change is absurd."
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->6.1]]</span>
<<set $visited8 to 1>>The music you are hearing is "Doggienip," a B-side from the Aoife EDM album.
Yup, the sounds are still made by my dog.
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back.->6.1]]</span>
<<set $visited8 to 1>>@@.setting;Secret Exhibit Hallway E@@
All image credits: Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards and the respective artists.
Children should not be left unaccompanied to wander through these exhibits.
You have been warned.
<<if visited("6.51")>><s>[[Collection #1->6.51]]</s><<else>>[[Collection #1->6.51]]<</if>>
<<if visited("6.52")>><s>[[Collection #2->6.52]]</s><<else>>[[Collection #2->6.52]]<</if>>
<<if visited("6.53")>><s>[[Collection #3->6.53]]</s><<else>>[[Collection #3->6.53]]<</if>>
<<if visited("6.54")>><s>[[Collection #4->6.54]]</s><<else>>[[Collection #4->6.54]]<</if>>
<<if visited("6.55")>><s>[[Collection #5->6.55]]</s><<else>>[[Collection #5->6.55]]<</if>>
<span class='backbutton'>[[It might be time to leave. (Back)->6.1]]</span>
<<set $visited8 to 1>><img src="images/museum/Comedy1.jpg" width="700" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy2.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy3.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy4.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy5.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy6.jpg" width="640" height="400">
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->6.4]]</span><img src="images/museum/Comedy7.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy8.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy9.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy10.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy11.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy12.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->6.4]]</span><img src="images/museum/Comedy13.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy14.jpg" width="350" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy15.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy16.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy17.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy18.jpg" width="300" height="480">
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->6.4]]</span><img src="images/museum/Comedy19.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy20.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy21.jpg" width="300" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy22.jpg" width="400" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy23.jpg" width="350" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy24.jpg" width="500" height="480">
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->6.4]]</span><img src="images/museum/Comedy25.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy26.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy27.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy28.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy29.jpg" width="640" height="480">
<img src="images/museum/Comedy30.jpg" width="350" height="480">
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->6.4]]</span><video src="video/museum/RebirthEnd.mp4" autoplay id="myVideo"></video>
<div class="content"><<timed 8s t8n>>"Songs (not) About Climate Change"<</timed>>
<<timed 15s t8n>>Credits<</timed>>
<<timed 18s t8n>>Andy Jarema<</timed>>
<<timed 21s t8n>>(Music, Visuals, Twine Coding)<</timed>>
<<timed 27s t8n>>Collaborators: Alyssa Coffin, Michael Malis, Eric LaNoue, Terry Carroll-Jarema, Michael Beckhart, Kit Lascher<</timed>>
<<timed 31s t8n>>Song Covers: Radiohead, Jim James<</timed>>
<<timed 35s t8n>>Special Thanks: National Park Arts Foundation, Great Smoky Mountains AiR program, Danielle Peck (for over half of my good ideas), my two creatures (Etta and Aoife), the support from my family over the years (mom, dad, Em)<</timed>>
<<timed 58s>><<goto "ENDCREDITS">><</timed>>
*/<img src="images/museum/0CoverArt.jpg" width="600" height="600">
<span class='backbutton'>[[Back->2.1]]</span>
<<set $visited2 to 1>>"You got that right."
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class='backbutton'>[[Back->3.22]]</span><</timed>>